Matze Zeidler

1972 in the age of 9 years, I start to play drums at the youth school of music academy for tone art in Darmstadt.
Training as a classical drummer/percussionist with Berthold Anhalt
Hess. national theatre until 1981

1982 First rehearsal room together with Ralf Couard.
Pfungstadt Hahnmühle "In the attic"

1983 -1984 Pfungstadt Hahnmühle.
Band: Angeldust
R.Couard, M.Roessler, M.Geiger
First 8 track demo: "Tower of Vengeance"
Studio Wolfgang Jost, Offental

1984-1986 Pfungstadt Hahnmühle
Band: AsmodinA
R.Couard, M.Roessler, M.Geiger
EP "Headbanger"
Studio Wolfgang Jost
Live gigs e.g. with Celtic Frost

1986 -1993 Gundernhausen later Gr.Zimmern (without Groetzi)
M.Mahlberg, P Daum, M.Groetz
Gigs with "Strassenjungs"
Demo: Feelin A5 studio Heppenheim 24 track
Demo:Rock'n roll 16 track Tascam
Recorded at the "Rosenhöhe" Darmstadt
Engineer R.Couard

1993-1994 Band: INFERNO
P.Larem, K.Schmidt, W.Richter
Party Cover, only Live

1994 1996 Kleestadt
Band: Silly Willy
F.Ullmann, Marc(Frisco)Mandel, NIC Coine, W.Richter
2x demo 16 Track Tascam "Lovley Dust" & "Where the Porgy's more live"
Engineer: M.Zeidler

1996-1997-Franfurt a.M.
B. Pezalla, M.Rehbein (Böhse Onkels)
Demo: The H-Queen (hard Disk)

1997 Frankfurt a.M. (Schmidt Bunker)
Band: Culdn't stood the Weather
Nur Live

1998-2001 Habitzheim
Joerg Anders, W.Burkhard, U. Maul, W, Richter
CD: NEXXUS 16 Track A-Dat

1999 -2005 Habitzheim
Band: D.Fact
Cristoff Mayer, Eckard Schäfer, Sabine Metz, Stefan Hirte
CD: CROSS the LINE, 16 Track A-Dat

Project:"The Freak'n Frogs"
together with W.Hasselberger & E.Schaefer Rosalinde Buchstab (Vocals at Supermax)
Gigs: among other things at Offenbach stadium Club 33, Club Voltaire

2002 - 2003 "AsmodinA" - Old School Metal.
After the guitarist Micha left the band, we formed the current band "Atreus"

Since 2004
R.Couard, W.Haselberger

Since 2005: (after dead from C.Mayer)
Band: TANG Sabine Hirte, W.Haselberger, E.Schaefer, Stefan Hirte